New Project - Galveston Causeway

Although I haven't posted in a while, I have been working on a couple of new projects.  The following are a few images of a series I'm working on with the Galveston Causeway as a subject.  For the technical details on the bridge, check the Traylor Bros. website. I've chosen this bridge as a subject because it is a daily part of my life.  I live close by, so I'm constantly seeing it in new ways.  As I walk my dogs around the neighborhood, the bridge dominates the view to the north.  Light and shadow on the bridge changes by the hour, so at times it looks light and airy where at other times can look dark, ominous and cold.  The images below are obviously of the dark/moody type.

You can see more of my work on my website:

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Thanks for taking a look and as always, comments are much appreciated.

Click on images for a larger view

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Color Study

I don't do color photography very often for a couple of reasons.  The main reason is because I'm color blind.  Not just a little color blind, but severely color blind.  I was once told by an opthamologist that I don't see color at all.  I think he was wrong because I think I live in a colorful world just as most everyone else does, except that all the color I see is completely different than you. I've generally stuck with black and white photography for the last 20 years because I don't have to worry about trying to get the color "right".  The following images are obviously quite a departure from anything I've done since...well, forever.. Normally when I'm out shooting photographs, I'm composing and "thinking in black and white".  Thinking about shades of gray, light, and contrast.  For these images, I was not doing that, but was looking at the colors and composing and shooting for them.  Since these are pretty abstract, I wasn't too worried about getting the color "right".   I'm not sure if these work or not.  Let me know what you think in the comment section.

Click on each image for a larger view.

If you'd like to see more of my work, check out my website at:

El Sunzal, El Salvador

The following image was taken on a recent surf trip to El Sunzal in El Salvador.  Prior to this day, we were greeted each morning with sunny skies and good surf.  This image was taken on our last day.  Surf had pretty much disappeared and the sun was obscured by thick clouds.  The mood of this photograph pretty much fit the day. Click on image for larger view.

You can see more of my work on my website:

As always, comments are much appreciated.