Counting Pelicans

Thursday, August 17th marks 2 years since my mom passed away.  The following is a small project that was inspired by her.

Two Individuals

Two Individuals

Years ago something was disclosed to me that would forever change my life.
The conversation went something like this.

I was sitting outside at a beach house talking with one of the brightest and funniest people I have ever known. It was a beautiful evening and lots of birds were flying overhead on their way to their nighttime roosts. The person I was sitting with suddenly stopped talking and pointed at a group of pelicans flying overhead. 

Five and Five

Five and Five

Confidently she said "You know... Pelicans ALWAYS fly around in odd numbers." 
I looked at her a bit confused, not believing what I was hearing. "That can't be true."
"But it is, See that group over there? Seven. That one over there. Three."
"How do they know to fly around like that?" I asked
"They just do," she said

For the next half hour or so, we counted the numbers of pelicans flying together. Sure enough, quite a few of the groups had odd numbers, but there were almost just as many with even numbers. When I pointed out the even number groups, she would spin around in her chair and say something like,

"Well, you see those three over there? They're part of the same group, now they're an odd number."

She had a logical reason for every group that was even and she was very convincing. I knew that she was just having some fun with me, but that made it more fun. This was typical for her sense of humor, I never knew when she was plotting a joke or something.



Five and Three

Five and Three



Unfortunately, she'll never know how that moment in time has stayed with me and will stay with me forever. I continue to count Pelicans to this day. Odd numbers or even, it doesn't really matter anymore. Counting pelicans is now my way of remembering my mom and her incredible sense of humor.



Minimalism and Me

I've been reading a bit about minimalism lately. Not necessarily about minimalist art, but how to live more simply.  Like many people, I thought minimalism was all about not having things,doing without, suffering.  I was wrong.  It's seems to be more about deciding what is important and what is not.  Keeping and nourishing things/ideas that have meaning to you and discarding those that don't.  Seems quite liberating.

Looking back through my pictures from the last several years, I've found that my photography has slowly become more minimalist. Simple and less cluttered.  This begs the question. Is my visual aesthetic helping to shape the rest of my life?  or has my recent reading on minimalism helped me to see different ideas coming through in my photos?  


Further reading on living a simpler life  :mnmlist

Right around the corner

I love taking photographs while traveling.  For some reason it seems easier to do when everything is new and different. I have a friend who seems to be constantly traveling and taking some of the most wonderful photographs.  At times, I'm quite jealous that she is consistently  in new and exciting places. She's also an excellent writer (and inspiring me to do a better job at it) Please check out her work here.  Jennifer Davidson Photography

Unfortunately, I don't get to travel nearly as much as I'd like to, so I'm generally stuck with what's nearby.  That's not all bad.  There's beauty and interesting things no matter where you are.  You just have to look. The three images below were taken within 100 yards of my front door.  To me, photography is about seeing what's around you.  What better place to start, than right around the corner.